Con la Dani nos vamos a LA en septiembre a ver a la Coti por si se animan

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BOOOOOA NOITE :) Tried to comment on article. Asked me to remove the word poo. I did, hit post, & got: *appreciating ahahaa ;) x ja:) maar bedankt Can I have some whhhhheat thins LOL thanks tony. I would take one of those shirts! Merry Christmas. The fix is in on NY *state* redistricting? TCOT RS no problemo <33333333333333 Bom dia Monsters aquí están los horarios para ver los Grammys 2012: -23:00 PM (Bolivia, R. Dominicana, Puerto Rico)...

When your phone doesn't have service you raise it 6 inches in the air because that will solve the problem.... what that ms richards thing? ahah omg, that was A+ the way her head was right next to you and you didn't even clock! :L Squirtle no es un pokemon, es una forma que tienen las mujeres de correrse, de ahí el ataque "hidrobomba" they're gonna post the video soon.. i hope i can get the DL link as well!! Chris is so great (i heard)..he made tears