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Owning a small business is no mean task. Promoting it online is harder still. If you have a small business with an online presence and you want to promote it in order to attract more people to it and hence result in greater profits, getting your SEO or Search Engine Optimization right is your best bet. If you are planning to go for a DIY approach, then you should be careful of getting the basics right. The idea is to create a website that will lead to higher search engine results. Here are some of the best SEO tips for small business owners.

Find out your targeted audience: This is the very first step of SEO. Finding out exactly which audience you are targeting will give you a good idea as to how to have a website that attracts them. Just using your business as the basis of SEO won't do, you need to find out the audience for it so that you can create content suitable for it.

Explore keywords: Understanding keywords and how they work in SEO is essential if you want to attract more people through search engine results. The keyword you may type in for a certain something may be completely different from what the next person types in for the same thing. And that is why researching keywords using popular keyword researching tools is a great idea. Since they are free, you don't put a dent in your profits.

Connect pages of the website together: Web pages should be such that they should connect effortlessly to one another. This means that when a visitor lands on one of your pages, he should be taken effortlessly to other parts of the site. This results in domain authority and ultimately higher search rankings.

Change your keywords: Just having one keyword for your business won't do. Just because you are a small business owner does not mean that you cannot have more keywords for it. When you put your focus on more keywords, people searching for your products or something near will land up on your website.

Good content: Yes, no matter how many times you hear it, Content is King. In SEO, nothing ensures good search engine rankings than having great content on your website. Use fresh and interesting content that makes people want to read more and ensure that search engines love your site. Make content your primary SEO strategy. If your content is sub standard, no amount of 'tips' will help you

Use social media: Social media is a big boon for small business owners as it makes them reach their target audience at little or no cost. Use social media vociferously. We are talking about Facebook, MySpace, Digg, YouTube and the like.

Use Pay Per Click advertising: Using PPC advertising is a great idea if you are the owner of a small business. You don't need too much to set it up and you can definitely use the publicity it garners you. seo company long beach like us on facebook seo newport beach